Complex Medical Care Program

Advances in pediatric medicine have resulted in the increased survival of children with complex medical conditions. Premature babies are surviving in greater numbers and living longer, frequently into adulthood. These children typically have multiple medical conditions, complex medication schedules and often see multiple pediatric specialists.
The Complex Medical Care Program at SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital was designed to provide expert, coordinated medical care for children with medical complexities and their families.
Benefits to Patients and Families
This special program at SSM Health Cardinal Glennon addresses the numerous needs of children, their families and even their primary physicians by:
- Reducing emergency room visits and hospital stays.
- Improving access for a host of outpatient services.
- Coordinating care for families across multiple SSM Health Cardinal Glennon specialties
- Providing ongoing support and guidance to primary pediatricians.
How Your Support Will Help
Medical Care Program, you are making a difference in the lives of children in the following ways:
Staff Resources. The tremendous need for these services has produced demand that far exceeds what our current staff can handle. Additional staff will enable the Complex Medical Care Program to expand their capacity to better serve more children.
Family Assistance. Families with medically fragile children often experience financial hardship. Your support enables us to provide short-term assistance to families in need of help with utility bills, gas money, medical equipment or medications.
Staff Education. Our dedicated caregivers benefit from attending conferences and continuing education opportunities to learn about changes in their field.
“Through this program, children have a key quarterback leading the charge in terms of collaborating with all physicians to develop a single, comprehensive care plan.”
-Dr. Kurt Sobush, MD, Program Co-Director